Saturday, April 1, 2017

+ Dream Big +

Day 1: Your biggest dream.

My dream these days is much different than it once was.

For as long as I could remember I wanted to be a teacher. I dreamed about educating youth and showing them a love of literature and lifelong learning. I wanted to be the catcher in the rye- the one catching kids on the edge and allowing them a chance to love education and offering a new path. That utopian dream job doesn't exist and I think that was my toughest lesson in life- finding out how corrupt the education system is, how flawed it has become, and how riddled with politics it is.

My dream now is much simpler than it has ever been before. I just want a job that offers a living wage and health insurance. I don't need a ton of money, just enough to pay rent/house payment one day, car payment, gas, food, electricity, insurance, money to pay for my meds, etc. In a perfect world I'd like to be able to have enough money to put some aside and not live paycheck to paycheck like I have my entire adult life.

I dream of having just enough money to not be ridiculously stressed all the time. To live with my Link - the man I'll be living with in June, my perfect match of a man. To have a dog or two eventually. To have a place to call ours and make it cozy and relaxing - an oasis to get lost in. To be able to travel a little and see the world - I've hardly left the borders of the U.S. To marry the man I love. And one day, not too soon, have a kid or two.

I just want a quiet and simple life with the man I love. That's all I dream about anymore. Especially now since that man isn't some faceless shadow I don't believe exists, but is a real and tangible man who feels the same way about me.

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