Monday, November 28, 2016

+ Things that Amuse Me +

Day 28: Post five things that make you laugh-out-loud.

My Students. They crack me up all the time. Usually it's intentional. The sass of teenagers are priceless.

Bad jokes and puns. Does this need explanation? They're the best! If they make everyone else groan, you can bet I'm laughing.

Nerdy Things. Literary references, allusions, etc.

Friends and Family. They just get my humor and often have me on the floor laughing every time. Friend's facial expressions cause laughter. There's also possibly some ticklish spits certain people have found that might have me lose my composure into giggling fits. Gross.

My Favorite Movies. I like a lot of movies that are more dumb funny. Liar Liar, The Pest, Rush Hour 2, Boondock Saints, etc. They make me happy and laugh every darn time.

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