Friday, January 8, 2016

+ Resolutions +

This year's word to live by is tolerance. Working in the department that I do tolerance is a huge necessity. Especially working with children that don't know how to stay appropriate or even which behaviors are proper in social settings. Other times the behavior is beyond their control and perhaps using tolerance I can really refrain from getting irate with their behavior and backtalking (not that the students ever see the anger anyway, but it'd really be better for my mental health).

The thing about tolerance is that realizing you can't control everything and accepting that. Finding a way to deal with what you can't control. 

I'm pretty tolerant as a whole. I believe in human rights regardless of religion, sexuality, gender-identity, etc. I also think the idea of race is ridiculous considering we're all made of the same stuff.  Race being a man made construct in order to differentiate and discriminate. I liked the way my history textbook defined it as a false construct to make it easier to treat people that are different from you like garbage.

Tolerance is a good lesson in patience and zen. So here goes nothing, new year!

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