I feel like reviews are the biggest waste in existence. Though maybe I just come across the worst ones, but I've just seem so many negative reviews for EVERYTHING lately.
I am slowly building my kindle library up with some of my favorites and as a result have seen some reviews for books I grew up on and have LOVED. I either have the worst taste in literature on the planet, or there are some ridiculously hateful people out there. My favorite was the comparison of the looking glass wars to a literary holocaust...really? You're comparing what you think is bad writing to the deaths of MILLIONS of people (mostly jewish people, but others as well). That seems like a great idea and not at all offensive to all the people who died in the holocaust or the war...
I find it hard to believe as an English teacher I have the worst judgement in books. Though maybe that's my ego talking. A majority of my favorite books became my favorites when I was in middle and highschool so maybe it's part nostalgia and part storytelling that wins me over. Still it surprises me seeing some of the comments written about books I love. Worst book ever written? Really? You gave five stars to twilight and 50 shades of gray!! How does that seem legit?
I think I should definitely stay away from reviews. It makes me sad...
And if I have such terrible taste in books how can I love classics the way I do? And why do all books need to be compared to great literature? A book can be "badly written" and still be a good story!
Honestly who says you have to have impeccable writing skills to have a good book written? God knows the majority of people can't judge good writing to save their lives. Education system, anyone?
Every young adult novel would be considered trash if novels had to be perfect. And no one from this century would be able to publish a book.
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