Monday, July 8, 2013

+ An Ode to Frederick's? +

I have a serious love/hate with the internet and shopping in general.

The internet makes it so shopping is easy and you can buy from stores that aren't around you, but every time you do that you're taking a serious leap of faith. Returning items from a distance is a big pain in the backside, and every once in a while you get a company that gives you the biggest hassle of your life.

In the same token, if you're me, shopping for certain items in stores proves difficult or dang near impossible - especially when you're as picky as I am.

As it is almost every summer I find myself low on bras - mainly just because it's way difficult finding the size I am without it being stuffed with padding. As if I want to make them look any bigger than they already are. Forgetting the idea of the offensive padding shoved in there's also the case that by the time I find my size they've been pretty well picked through already. The tackiest of tacky are the only ones left - or they are completely plain and boring. Go figure.

I was with my aunt a few years back and had spent my time with her antiquing and shopping up a storm. Seriously I don't think I'd ever shopped so much in my life. Which is saying something considering I also had the worst sunburn in the history of sunburns and it physically hurt to move and breathe. Everyone was lucky I even participated in anything.

We ended up in a mall - and I have no idea which one because Texas has like four million malls per square foot. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but coming from a tiny town that has the most pathetic mall ever - it felt like it was the truth. We were wandering and we both have a fun time finding bras in our sizes, and I still maintain I feel like I'm a normal size - I think it should be easier to find my size, yet somehow it isn't. We happened upon a Frederick's of Hollywood, which I assumed was like Victoria's Secret and would hold nothing but lies.

Seriously, any real D will never fit into a Victoria's Secret bra - in sixth grade I was gifted a used DD of Victoria's Secret which lasted maybe four months before I outgrew it. And the padding in Victoria's Secret bras! No wonder men think B's are actually D's... I'd hate to think what guys thought my size is...

So I skeptically picked up a gorgeous blue, black, and laced bra that I thought was completely gorgeous - assuming I was going to have the most disappointing dressing room experience ever. But behold - I tried it on and goodness the bra wasn't lying when it said it was my size. There was a large amount of padding that upon inspection - sacre bleu! it came out and didn't have to stay in! What the heck? It was probably the happiest I'd ever been when bra shopping.

And wouldn't you know it - it was on sale. Score.

I've been in bra-love with Frederick's ever since. I haven't bought a bra from anywhere else since I discovered Frederick's. Except, wouldn't you know it, there's not a store where I live - not within a three state radius is there a store. So, I'm thankful that online shopping is a thing.

However, I feel like because it's online I'm much more likely to get carried away. Did I really need four new bras? Probably not. I mean I'll wear them and in theory this means I won't need to buy anymore for a while - and they were on sale.

Did I need to add panties into the mix? Well, probably I am always looking for new panties and can never find any in stores that aren't a serious disaster. Especially since if you think I'm picky about my bras, I'm probably a hundred times more picky about panties. I also really hate the word panties.

And I'm not totally sure what the point of this post is except well, I hate lingerie shopping because it's difficult to find nice lingerie that's cute and reasonably priced if you actually have a decent chest on you. And Frederick's of Hollywood is probably the best lingerie store ever - it far exceeds Victoria's Secret in every way possible. And I can't wait for my new bras to get here!

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