I think it's beyond ridiculous the reactions to The Hunger Games at least where the movie is concerned. I don't understand how people can be so picky about such stupid aspects of the movie. Serously, your biggest concern is Rue and Thresh weren't white and Katniss wasn't anorexic looking? Pick a real aspect to complain about - something with substance if you're going to decide to complain about it. Some people make US dwellers look like such ignorant, evil specimens... Which is rather sad when you actually think about it. I just think that there are more important things in life or when discussing literature. But I'm just an English Major, what do I know?
I've read the novels and seen the movie. I'm kind of a sucker for dystopias so I was biased from the start anyway. The novels were well-written (especially compared to some other YA obsessions) and left the reader with pretty decent overall themes. It's not like they're the best books ever, but they're worth reading. They're certainly not bad by any means - I wasn't tempted to read them with a red pen like the last huge literary fad.
If you were expecting a movie that matched the books you walked in with impossible expectations. How many fans of Harry Potter and Twilight were equally upset by the movie adaptations for those very reasons? If, however, like me you walked in mildly curious how it would be portrayed and remained skeptical you could have been pleasantly surprised. I didn't check casting, didn't obsess over minor details, and didn't have any preconceived notions. I was amused by casting choices, especially Lenny Kravitz, Woody Harrelson, and Stanley Tucci. Mostly because I didn't know Lenny Kravitz was still doing anything and the latter two are always good for comedic relief no matter what they're in (seriously, Stanley Tucci in Easy A completely perfect!).
I'm still uncertain what all the hype is about. I read the books, watched the movie, and am stunned that it's become such a phenonmenia. Then I never understood the pure fascination with Harry Potter or Twilight for that matter. At least Harry Potter I can handle - I actually enjoy the movies on occassion and I enjoyed the books in my younger years. My generation aged with the actors of Harry Potter so that was pretty cool to see. I've read the Twilight books - they're okay (I'm being kind with this adjective) but certainly not up to Anne Rice's standards which so far I've yet to find a more fantastic author to bring vampires to life. Say what you will but I'm still fond of the literary journeys I experienced through the eyes of Lestat.
I guess I just don't understand how with young adult literature people either love or hate it. There is rarely a middle ground. It seems like people just aren't allowed to like it. The sheer obsession that revolves around this kind of literature is rather terrifying.Maybe it's just the age group it's geared toward, but then you see the same kind of hype in adults. Twilight Moms, anyone? And seriously, guys? You are turning Peeta and Gale into teams like Twilight? You make me want to bash my head in (No Teams!). Probably only one reader will understand that reference. Maybe.
But seriously it's rather scary when people get that invested in everything that they have to do the 'team' thing with everything involving literature, movies, or television. It just seems like people don't have their own minds when they do that. I understand the being fond of characters when you're reading but is there really a reason to complain about the author's choice for shippings? The writer usually tends to do those kinds of things for a reason.
So, complainers who try to ruin it for everyone else never does it say that Rue or Thresh were supposed to be white. The only reference I can come up with which might lead a reader to believe that was how Katniss mentions that Rue reminded her of her sister Primrose. Not that she looked like her, but she was the same age and just made her think of her sister. Katniss, in the books, undergoes a lot of transformations with her weight that in real life would be entirely unhealthy, dangerous even. Stop complaining that the actress didn't try to give herself eating disorders or poison herself for your entertainment. And, spoiler alert, Katniss marries and has kids with Peeta.
Also Katniss is a way better heroine than Bella. I'm just saying. Probably not better than Hermione, though. They're pretty equal.
I have to admit I'll never understand all the drama that young adult literature causes, or at least the ones that tend to bring out the fanatics. You never see this kind of thing happening with the novels by Chris Crutcher, John Green, Sarah Dessen, or Sherman Alexie.
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