Monday, January 23, 2012

+ "A Storm's Comin', Boys" +

I always hear Jim Beaver’s voice as the character Bobby in Supernatural when bad things are comin’. I can’t help it, it just happens.

“A Storm’s comin’, Boys”
Then I’m left in uncertain darkness
Pondering what things are to come.
Is there any intelligible reason I should be
concerned when there’s nothing I can do?
Yet inside I always know that storm is about to
come down like the flood from the past.

“A storm’s comin’, Boys”
Is a storm ever coming…
If I could do anything
I’d find a way to bring a drought.
I’m not ready to lose.
I’d rather go down fighting.
Just like the last time.

“A Storm’s comin’, Boys”
Why can’t storms ever pass without leaving wounded?
All I see is sorrow and pain.
I want a storm to clean the slate,
not to break the rest of us.
I’d much rather forget the now and future.
I could live in the past just fine.
Where the storm can be held off…

“A storm’s comin’, Boys”
You can keep your storm.
You can keep your dark skies.
Take your acid rain and shove it.
Let me run away to another time and place.
Let me disappear for a while and
come back with a better sense of the world.

“A storm’s comin, Boys”
Lightning thrashes across the black sky.
Stars never seem quite so bright.
Earth feels as though it’s dying.
Everything seems so hopeless as thunder crashes on.
Stuck in a limbo you can’t ever leave.
Being crushed for reasons you can’t see
that don’t feel like they truly exist.

“A storm’s comin’, Boys”.
\Thanks. I never wanted to know what’s to come.
Denial is a girl’s best friend.
Lies, Deceit… So much better than truth.
One day I’ll forgive.
One day I’ll forget about this storm,
just like the last one.
One day it’ll all just be a bad dream.
But I can’t see it now. It seems like it will be forever.

“A storm’s comin’, Boys”

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