Saturday, January 8, 2011

+ Is Hank Green Awesome? +

This morning I was catching up on the Youtube channels I watch weekly. You know catching up on Sxephil's show, Happyslip, Timothy DeLaGhettoBlackboxTVVlogbrothers, and a few other channels of people who amuse me or are just entertaining to watch because of their pure awesome personalities.

So, I was youtubing and my brother opened my door having heard voices in my room. I was watching the awesome Hank Green from Vlogbrothers and even my brother chuckled due to him. Which proves futher that Hank Green is, in fact, awesome. He's a blogger, vlogger, and writes songs all of which are also awesome.

His awesome nature is only on par with his brother, John Green. Who is a writer. They are amusing, silly, awesome, and fairly random. They care about people, and pride themselves in helping others and being genuinely good people.

Their motto is DFTBA (Don't forget to be Awesome). They are the creators of NerdFighteria (kingdom known by all nerdfighters). And encourage people to be intelligent and not fall prey to being "cool" by being ignorant. And you should definitely check them out, and also if you're bored you should also try to help google's automatic response to "Is Hank Green..." end with awesome. :)

Other Ways to check the Vlogbrothers out:
Hank Green's Wikipedia.
Hank Green's Website.
Hank Green's Twitter.

John Green's Wikipedia.
John Green's Website.
John Green's Twitter.

Check them out. Love them. This blog post is very link-friendly. But all the links are worth looking into. I don't waste my time with lame linking. It takes time to track down all these websites to copy and paste the links. Use them. :)

Also, I wanted to post this quote from Hank Green's Twitter because I almost never check out anyone's Twitter and I just came across it and it was too fantastic to not share/remember:
"I was just talking to John on the phone, Henry is being baptized today and hadn't heard about Rep. Giffords. I told him and he said... "It is very sad to me that some people are so intent on leaving their mark on the world that they don't care if that mark is a scar" It's nice to have a @realjohngreen in the family to so eloquently summarize tragedy for you."

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