I've mentioned that I started dating a new man already. He's sweet, handsome, and the best. I could be biased, though.
He asked me last night why and/or how I love him. I tried to answer him and explain it fully. However, it didn't come out right, and because I didn't write it out, it came out sloppy and lacking in truth and meaning. I can't always articulate well in words with just my voice. My brain dies on me. I need time to articulate it through the written word. How can I fully explain to him in a few words why I love him? There are so many reasons.
It's unlikely he'll see this, but I figured I'd try to do my affections for him justice somewhere. Even if it's just to put it out in the void of the universe.
I love him for how I feel about myself because of him. He tells me I'm amazing and builds me up, even when I'm at my weakest or most broken. He makes me laugh without trying and smile for no reason at all. He makes me want to be better and do better. He makes me a happier person and encourages my goals and life choices. He tells me what he thinks. He listens and never judges but offers advice. He makes me feel safe when talking to him and when I'm with him. His arms around me makes me feel safe. He became one of my confidantes quickly and I'm not even sure how that happened or when.
When he tells me I'm pretty I can believe it for the first time because he shows me that he believes it. I love the way he finds ways to touch me that seem to be so natural- hugging me just because, kissing me every chance he gets, holding my hand in front of his friends, putting his arm around my shoulders while we're talking or he's eating, cuddling with me when we watch a movie, slapping my ass after opening my car door for me, resting his hand on my leg in the car or when we're sitting together, or wrapping his arms around my waist. Physical touch is fluid and effortless with him. I've never done well with physical touch, it took years of training myself to be okay hugging people in platonic ways. With him, I never even thought to recoil or had anything to fight back against. His touch felt safe immediately and provided warmth and comfort. He is gentle in his words and touch.
I love him because he's such a positive person. He's easy to be around because he's such a genuinely good human being. He's goofy. He's sweet. He's kind. He's loving. He's funny. He's silly. He's sarcastic. He's irritating in the best ways. He doesn't mind teaching me things I don't know how to do - Magic, how to put on new windshield wiper blades, if you listen to him, how to drive...
He tells me to be safe and wear my seat belt. He's patient with me. He wants to be with me. He wants to talk to me. He shows me how he feels and tells me.
I love him because of our similar paths in life. I love the parts of him that he thinks are broken. I love him for all the struggles he's faced. I love his honesty. I love that he didn't give up on me when I was too afraid and hurt to be ready to accept him. I love him because he loves me.
I love his voice and sexy accent. I love his diction and intellect. I love his smile and laughter. I love the way he looks at me. I love the way he carries himself in the world.
I simply love my super sexy hero. For all that he is and can be. I love him because he's who he is. He's the best man I could ever hope to call mine. He's all I want and all that I need. I'm his and only his as long as he'll have me and I've never been happier with someone.
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