Sunday, August 18, 2013

+ Fish Six +

Fish Six is an interesting person, that is cool to talk to if it doesn't end up anything else ever happens. I mean I kind of don't know how to take it, in other words I have no idea what he thinks of me. Which is fine, though quite unusual. Only guy I met from PoF that didn't try to even kiss me...apart from the married guy. I'm assuming that's probably a bad sign, but who knows? He did text me like he said he would. Who knows?

That being said, is it weird that really the only reason I responded to him (because I really wanted to tell all these guys to shove it and leave me alone at this point) was because he had a Philip DeFranco reference that I noticed? Yeah, that was the thing that made me talk to him, which ended up working out well because we have some similar interests. Which never hurts.

Who would have thought that sxephil would be the reason I'd talk to someone? Certainly not me. Ridiculous. He also likes horror movies, Supernatural (tv show), urban legend/occult stories, video games, old school stuff from our childhood, etc. We like a number of similar things which is cool.

Anyway we met for coffee which surprisingly was the first time a guy wanted to do that. Which was cool. I love me some coffee. I even had the barista surprise me and she made me a candy corn coffee which was not something I'd ever order on my own, but it was pretty tasty.

We ended up talking about Toby Turner which was another youtuber that started around the same time as Philip DeFranco that plays video games and makes videos of them. We talked about our pasts, family, friends, conspiracy theory ideas (kind of), the idea of mathematics and the world and how it was created (in relation to Mayans, Egyptians, etc.), and various other ideas and opinions about the world, education, jobs, and that kind of thing. It was probably the only conversation that didn't bore me - like from a guy on PoF. He kept it interesting and not painful.

He also showed me some videos from Toby Turner, we stopped by his house where I met his mother (who didn't call me a slut (like fish 3's mom) - not going to lie I was super skittish. I don't meet men's families ever). We watched an episode of X-Files and Adventure Time (Yeah, I finally saw an episode). Then we went our separate ways after hanging out for six hours. He texted me today like he said he would. That's really all you can hope for... seriously.

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