Sunday, August 25, 2013

+ Chivalry is Dead +

I think I might be old fashioned with this whole dating thing. I am exasperated with the dating thing. I have enough of an anxiety just meeting men I don't know. I am getting better at that, but I'm no where near the point of being giddy at meeting a stranger. In fact, the one man I was excited and terrified to meet decided to lead me on for over a month and then just told me he could never talk to me again. My track record is awful.

But all that I am getting over. I'm getting exasperated with the idea of going out with all these men that put in zero effort. Maybe it's the weird idea of chivalry that is put into little girls' heads when we get told stories of the knight in shining armor and Princes that fall for Princesses.

It just would be nice if just once a man who is "interested in me" would be willing to put in some effort. Every time a guy asks me out from a different town they make sure whatever we do (usually just walking around a park - more proof of zero effort on their part) it is in their town.

Which means I have to drive 30 miles there and back. I get to spend the most on gas. I get to be treated to walking around with them in the freaking 90 degree heat while attempting to continue to look pretty and have them stare at me awkwardly and giving me the worst lines on the planet.

They then get to end the date when they want and go home... in about 5 minutes. While it takes me 45 minutes because I get lost and take wrong turns to get home, have the most miles to drive home, and am disappointed in a sucky evening wasted on a guy who then tries their damnedest to get me in bed and never put in any fair effort.

I guess I would just like for once to actually get a real date where maybe a guy made me feel like I was actually on a date. To feel like maybe they care and put some thought or effort into the date. I want to find a man that can prove me wrong.

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