Sunday, April 14, 2013

+ 30 Day Book Challenge: Day 13 +

Day 13 Your Favorite Writer 

I have a number of favorite writers. However, for this, I shall chose Kurt Vonnegut. I love satire. I love all things Kurt Vonnegut. He was in the war and still managed to become a writer after the fact, interestingly enough Hemmingway, Vonnegut, and Salinger were all in the wars and became writers with only Salinger deciding to not write about wars ever. Random, but yes.

There's just so much to love with Kurt Vonnegut. Kilgore Trout - who doesn't love him? Cat's Cradle is completely amazing. I encourage you to read that if you ever get the chance. "Harrison Bergeron" the short story he wrote is probably my favorite short story ever. Who doesn't love a dystopia? I have had a number of chances to teach Harrison Bergeron and every time I fall even more in love with it.

Slaughter House-Five is probably one of his most heard of by non-fans, but even that one is excellent. I just encourage you to read his work. You won't be disappointed.

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