Thursday, April 11, 2013

+ 30 Day Book Challenge: Day 10 +

Whoops! Totally forgotten I hadn't finished the 30 Day Book Challenge. I'll try to be better at getting things done that kind of have schedules. I'll try...but it might not happen. Just to warn you.

Day 10 - Favorite Classic novel

As cliche as this might sound, Moby Dick. I was as skeptical as you probably are while I was discovering my love of the novel. And I might just be biased because of my rather large paper I wrote involving this novel. My first go at Moby Dick happened in 5th grade. It was painful, long, and what the heck is it with whales? Blubber? That totally doesn't sound legit.

My second go at Moby Dick happened in excerpts during my American Literature part 1 class. It was painful because it was in snip-its and things didn't totally make sense. Who is that Indian and why is he BFFs with our protagonist? What is going on? Ahab is crazy, Ishmael is random, and Queequeg is probably the most entertaining of the whole novel.

Third time was definitely the charm for me. It was during my American Literature the 1800s to present or something. I'm not looking at my classes right now! I'm not 100% on the dang titles! This time we were supposed to read the whole novel. From beginning to end. This time I felt a kinship with Ishmael, Queequeg was a total gentleman and scholar, and Captain Ahab was still very eccentric, but perhaps not crazy in my mind anymore. I even felt an understanding with Ahab. Crazy man that he is.

My paper was spent comparing the tale of Saint George the Dragon Slayer and the relationship with England and the tale of Captain Ahab, The White Whale, and the relationship with the US.

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