Sunday, July 1, 2012

+ 30 Day Book Challenge: Day 3 +

Your Favorite Series

I haven't actually read a series of books for a long time. I actually haven't read many books in the very recent span of time besides what was assigned in college. I have a large collection on my bookshelves waiting to be read some that have been there since I was still in high school.

The series I do remember that I really enjoyed last was The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddour. It was a pretty fantastic version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland spun differently. I know there have been many different variations over the years. Alice seems to be reintroduced every couple of years in some form, but this one is my favorite.

It's about Alyss and her reintroduction to her home (Wonderland) after getting stuck in our world running away because her parents are murdered. The card soldiers are awesome - somewhat akin to the Star Wars battle droids. The Cat is the Queen's assassin. Hatter Madigan is a body guard. Bibwit Harte was the tutor for Alyss before she left Wonderland. The characters are well developed, easy to love, and a great addition to those who already love the pop culture Alice. I have to say Next to Dodge and Alyss - Hatter Madigan is my favorite. I love me some tough men.

For anyone that knows me, really knows me, I am just the person who loves all things Alice. I have random variations of movies, tv series, trash cans, bracelets, video games, etc. that are Alice related. To be fair this book series is possibly the best out there. And the tv mini series Alice (2009) is probably the best video rendition and it kind of reminds me of this series. Very different, but still amazing and not just for kids! I really should re-read this series. It's been years. I think I read them in high school...

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