Saturday, May 26, 2012

+ 30 Day Book Challenge: Day 1 +

Best book you read last year.

The best book I read last year is probably a tie between Nefertiti and The Heretic Queen. However, I am a bit biased just because I adore all things Egypt, as I have since I was about four. Ever since I saw a pyramid - granted it was always on TV. Besides being awesome for being about Egypt, it was interesting as it's historic fiction which I am slowly becoming more and more fond of. Mostly because I enjoy history - but have trouble reading straight up history books.

What really makes the book fantastic, however, is Michelle Moran. By now I've read several other books about ancient Egyptian Queens and Pharaohs and have found few authors paint Egypt as well as she does. Plus, her characterization is much better. I find that I don't really hate any of her characters - whereas I seriously hated Juba II when reading a different book recently. I seriously didn't want Juba to end up with Kleopatra Selene, even though I knew he would because history already tells us that.

Nefertiti is well written and spins the tale of Nefertiti's life in the perspective of Mutnodjmet, her younger sister. It talks about the city in descriptive detail, weaves the lives of the sisters together nicely, and goes into historic detail making you easily believe that these characters were the real women of the ancient past. Which really, no one has any idea about the thoughts or conversations these women had. However, I could easily picture Moran's characters and easily loved them. Even though we know that Mut's real life didn't stay happy - being forced (this is disputed depending on which theory you work from) to marry General Horemheb and become his Queen where she was forced to allow him to wipe her family from Egypt's walls and temples.

The Heretic Queen is about Nefertiti's niece, Nefertari and Ramses the Second. Though she's the daughter of Mutnodjmet and General Nahktim she's treated as if she is Nefertiti's reincarnation and Iset, Ramses's first wife, and his aunt work to turn the people against her. It gives account of her journey to become the Queen of Egypt with Ramses the Second. Again, her characterization is wonderful and it's easy to be fond of the characters brought to life by Moran. Plus, it gives a great account of the missing years from the first novel. You find out what happened to Mutnodjmet and learn the more-than-likely culprit of the murder of the ancient Queens. Which again, is just theory and not actually proven history - hence historic fiction.

Highly reccomended books if you are also a fan of Ancient Egyptian History or are fond of these Queens of Egypt.

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