Saturday, December 10, 2011

+ I am Sometimes a Hermit +

Holy wow! I hadn't realized how long it had been since I've done a post. Well, actually it hasn't been very long since I've written them. However, a chunk of the posts are drafts because mostly I just needed to get things off of my mind; I didn't really need other people to read them.

The other reason there hasn't been much activity going on here is that since my last post I've been hermitting it up and writing papers, finishing take-home exams, and speed reading through novels I was supposed to have read months ago. Oops.

I'm thinking that maybe once this semester is over the activity will pick back up. By then I'll be in the classroom full time for student teaching. Which is super exciting, if I do say so myself. I'm not sure if I'll ever post anything about that... I know that some people have gotten into a lot of trouble just by having facebooks, blogs, social media-anything, etc. as a teacher or future teacher. As a result I'm kind of paranoid. I really don't want to, you know, not be able to teach after how many years I've worked towards this goal (It's been 9 years by the way). I'm counting from 7th grade because that's when I decided finally that this is what I wanted.

Anyway, things will get less insane with me and then I'll try to post semi-regularly again. I'm also toying with the idea of attempting to make the weekly categories actually being done on a regular basis, you know weekly, but I'm not sure. That will depend on how busy I actually am next semester. I hoping it's less ridiculous than this semester... but I'm not making any promises.

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