But then there is also the other kind of memorable. That of my first date with a particular guy. At least I think it was a date, I was never quite sure. Bad sign already, right? He was a coworker and nice enough, he'd just come up to me one night and started chatting. He was nice, a bit awkward but that's common for the guys who come up to me at first. I don't even remember what it was we first talked about, our families, how he was recently single - or was it that he was not so recently single?
I was used to males coming up to me just to chat and I rarely expected it go anywhere beyond a work acquaitance when he'd asked to meet up at some point where we spent an evening walking around downtown and talking about our lives. This I'm certain was not a date. As we ended up back at my dormroom to watch a movie with my roommate and two suitemates. Which was not an uncommon occurance - I've always had one of the better selection of movie titles (dvds are a weakness, okay?).
That somehow led to him later asking me to go see a movie with him. After the initial freakout of me not really knowing if I wanted to go on a date with him or anyone else from that year, the roomies convinced me that it would be fun. After all he did had a good smile and was polite. I gave in and was almost roped into seeing a western, but it was somehow averted.
He picked me up from my dormroom and he drove us to go see the movie. But then he got quiet and kind of distant. We'd gotten there a while before they'd even let us in the theater so while we were waiting I tried a couple of times (in vain) to start conversations, but the boy was just not having it. Which only made me confused as he was the one who wanted to hang out. Then proceeded to ignore me the entire night except when innuendos in the movie came up and he'd either look at me or mumble something incoherent. I still have no idea what that was about. It was memorable in the sense I still love the movie we went to see, and even though I associate it with him I can appreciate the humor of the movie.
Needless to say the boy and I did not work out and continued to work together more or less without a hitch. Though he did act as if nothing had happened, and maybe it didn't. Maybe it was never a date to begin with and I wasted makeup and a cute shirt on nothing.
In case you were wondering this was a writer's workshop.
Describe a Memorable First Date:

My Favorite Post from the workshop: