Tuesday, May 10, 2011

+ Atlas Shrugged +

I was checking out the times for movies the other for the Mom and caught sight of Atlas Shrugged. Yeah. It's a freakin' movie now! I have two questions, WHY DID NO ONE PUBLICIZE THIS BETTER!? I hadn't even heard they were thinking about making it into a movie until I saw it was in theaters! It's amazing, the book - I have no idea about the movie.

And second question, why haven't they made Anthem into a movie yet? Because that would also be phenomenal. Actually, why don't more people love Ayn Rand? That would also be a good question.

I'm making the Mom read Anthem this summer. It's a personal goal. Everyone should read it this Summer if you haven't yet. Because it's amazing, and it isn't just because I am giddy for dystopias. Well, perhaps. One might never know.

And a final question to leave you with:

Who is John Galt?


  1. I'm happy to report 'Who is John Galt?' is the fifth question asked of google when you type in 'who is'. It gives me hope for society that google so rarely offers.

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