Tuesday, January 10, 2017

+ "Sex, Blood, and Rock n Roll" +

Day 10: Your Views on Drugs and Alcohol.

I'm a ridiculously good girl. Always have been. 

I've never done drugs (nope, not even pot). I've never had a desire to. I'm a control freak so the idea of not being in control doesn't sound appealing. Plus, I'm cheap. I don't have expendable income that could supply that lifestyle. 

I've been offered and I don't mind other people doing it. Chances are if it's being done around me, I'm the one taking care of everyone. I don't judge others who do chose to spend their time that way. I do judge people that do drugs or drink and then get behind the wheel of a car and endanger other people, though. If you're making those choices just stay home and be safe!

I do have a glass of wine, beer, or long Island on occassion. It's not often and I don't get drunk. I have a high alcohol tolerance so getting drunk takes a very long time for me. As a result I drink when going out with friends or after a long week. 

I've been drunk twice my entire life. Both times it took a lot of drinks, I was with family or friends, and I made sure I didn't need to drive. 

I guess my main belief is that drugs and alcohol aren't really for me, but I don't mind other people doing it as long as they make good choices and stay safe?

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