Friday, January 11, 2013

+ What in Tarnation!? +

I so don't know what's going on with me lately. The last two weeks things have been totally off their axis in my world.

For once I have plans set up. I feel cared about and like people actually made time for me because they wanted to.

Hamlet made plans to see me the day after he got back, I had plans with a lady friend and her darling son, I had plans for New Years, I had plans to karaoke with friends I hadn't seen in a year! It was amazing.

Then something happened and a couple plans got cancelled. And I had a fun New Years Eve and so the Cosmos slapped me in the face with an awesome reality check.

New Years Eve my throat began to hurt which I chalked up to all the smoke one must breathe in the bars. It really is out of control if you don't smoke. The pain continues until Friday the 4th when suddenly I'm congested, short of breath, light-headed, headache, hot and cold chills, and endlessly tired. Continue taking Nyquil gel caps until Monday when I faint in the shower and Aunt instructs me to take a different combination of medicine. Tuesday I go to the doctor and am told it's just a cold- Sorry nothing can be done.

If this is just a cold- It's the M.F'n Samuel L. Jackson of the cold world and I am losing this battle.

I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, but it's only getting worse. I still totally think I have a fever- cannot confirm as we have no thermometer. I am now having a cough that's so bad it randomly sets off my gag reflex until it forces me to dry heave as food has barely been consumed. Headache intensified. And my ears are beginning to hurt. Not to mention my sore throat only started hurting worse.

Not to be a drama queen, but I think I really am dying. I shouldn't still be sick after treating myself so long.

The only other possibility is I'm in the process of turning into a zombie. Which is likely because my brain is slowed down, my mouthwords make little sense, and I'm so hungry even brains sound appetizing.


  1. if you were a zombie i would still keep you around Shaun of the Dead style :) i hope you feel better soon.

    and i know you're only like five minutes away from me, I do. sometimes i just get so overwhelmed with things that i forget, i'm sorry.

  2. Lawl, I was hoping someone would tell me they'd keep me as a Zombie pet.
