I'm so sick of all the drama around guns right now. Seriously, you have to keep talking about guns, the evil they stand for just by existing, and how they need to be removed from all society? I don't understand why people are so naive to think that will solve any of the problems that exist around gun crime.
The gun crimes that happen aren't typically done with guns that are registered. They're black market guns. Guns are entirely easy to get without going through the proper channels - anything is easy to get with the right price and resources. Moreover the chances of the people who commit the crimes with the illegal guns might not even have permits, or if they do, probably not by their legal name. Chances are if you're committing one crime, you're commiting more than just the one.
I honestly don't see what banning guns will do. I don't see how citizens think that this will be a benefit for the world. You're taking away protection from citizens who go through the proper channels, get permits, and know how to use guns responsibly. And when I say use guns responsibly that mostly means they don't shoot it outside of a range - unless their house is being broken into and the lives of their family members are at stake. Remove the protection one has in their own house and don't do anything else what happens? The citizens can't protect themselves when they should be able to because you took their guns away and the bad people who get guns illegally still have guns now against unarmed civilians. Maybe the citizen has a knife... but we all know what happens when you bring a knife to a gun fight. If not, think about it.
So, again I ask what good will it really do to ban guns? To quote a friend, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away". No big deal. Make it so people aren't allowed to protect themselves because it's more fun to live in the world created inside the minds of dreamers instead of listening to the realists.
It's not like the militia ever helped throughout our history. Or like the militia proved that armed citizens can be a very good thing. They didn't help the United States keep and maintain its independence at any point in time... Wait a minute.
Unarmed citizens are easily controlled citizens. I don't know about you, but I really enjoy my freedom. I don't need the government telling me what I should or should not be allowed to have to protect myself. The government controls way too much as it is - we need to decrease what they control. Not give them more power. A Government with too much power is basically the end of democracy.
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