Here's a lovely list of all the jobs I've wanted to have as I've aged. Mostly I've wanted to be a teacher and a writer most fondly. But if I could have done anything in the world I might have made other choices, but I'm quite satisfied with the choice I've made so far.
1. English Teacher
2. Egyptologist
3. Writer/Novelist
4. Crime Scene Investigator
5. Profiler
6. Archeologist
7. Veterinarian
8. Singer
9. Ninja
10. Journalist
11. Cop
12. Assassin for hire
13. Sailor Scout (When I was like 8)
14. Princess Zelda
15. Geologist
16. Spy
17. Barber
18. Make-Up Artist
19. Run a Black Market
20. Animal Caretaker for a kennel
21. Florist
22. Bartender
23. Bakery Owner
24. Cafe Owner
25. Have my own Restaurant (Italian preferably)
I had many random aspirations in my lifetime. Though the majority are mostly childish dreams.
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