Saturday, October 29, 2011

+ What If... +

My mind goes on many a ventures pondering away as moments tick by. Earlier I had been speaking with Viola about a 'what-if' scenario because I enjoy those sorts of things. I brought to question what would happen if you happened to die during a zombie apocalypse and turned into one... where would your soul go? Would your soul have left upon the death of being turned, or would your soul have stayed and banished you to a firey doom? Or perhaps you would be banished to purgatory?

In that scenario how much responsibility is put on you, and how much are you forgiven for? What if you hadn't the time to ask for repentance? Isn't that part of the game between the Trinity and Satan? Try to use the humans for your cause. If you fall prey to the evil of turning into a Zombie does that not mean that Satan won that round for your soul?

What might you think about your soul's placement in the afterlife?

I suppose that this very much depends on your religious views, but I'm strictly pondering the views of Christianity for this particular pondering. If you want to bring up another view point, please, by all means, feel free.

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