Thursday, December 2, 2010

+ I Joined Something!? +

As of tonight I am Sigma Tau Delta member.

It's the International English Honor Society. There are 700 active chapters worldwide. We had a kind of induction ceremony at my college today and essentially we recited our oath and got our Sigma Tau Delta pins. Which inevitably became great blackmail material for Julia.

I'm not going to lie we did sound a little like a cult and I could hardly for the life of me stiffle my giggling. If for no other reason a non-english major was sitting next to me and I couldn't stay serious. Actually whenever I do goofy things around my friends I get giggly. It's a problem.

Then we recited the poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost. Because apparently we were attempting memorization. Mostly I think it just for funzies.

It's just weird because I've never had the opportunity to be a part of anything in an academic environment. Certainly not in college. Everything I want to join is always on days I have to work, and heaven forbid I decide to join a club instead of work. And it sucks because I know next semester is coming and I have to get another job and it will have all been for nothing joining Sigma Tau Delta.

I like that I got to go to a meeting and be silly with other English Majors because I adore other English fanatics. They're fun. They're goofy. They give great literary suggestions. We're a bunch of loons and mock theater majors. We exaggerate, we laugh, we never shut up.

And I'm going to be giving it up for a menial job that I don't enjoy because apparently food, electricity, and cable/internet is important. It's a shame, too.

We're talking about starting an Under-Graduate Literary Magazine. Which I've always wished we had. And I'd give my left lung to be a part of it and be involved in helping it get published however often literary magazines get published. I would adore the opportunity to have that kind of compilation on campus. I would adore having a place to submit some works and see if they're good enough to be published in any kind of format yet.


  1. lol who knows though, you might just get to have a job and a creepy english major cult addiction :P

  2. Well, I should be able to keep my English Major Cult afterall. I'll be off by 4pm every night (except Tuesdays). Which means Thursdays I should be free to go to the meetings assuming we have them often.

    I really want a literary magaziiiiine!
