I'm one of those people who believes strongly in what our Forefathers fought for. I'm one of those people that hangs the constitution on her wall, and consider it a prized possession. I'm one of those people that proudly displays the American Flag on her wall. I'm one of those people that even has the "Don't Tread on Me" flag.
I'm one of those people that believes that the reason the United States has been able to reign free for as long as it has is because of our Armed Forces, our Men and Women in uniform. And I believe that we need them in order to keep our country running. And I have unaltered respect for them, because they are willing to fight.
I feel that a lot of people my age don't care about any of that because they have never had to fight in a war. Most of their parents never had to fight in a war. For me, it's different. My father, grandfather and grandmother, and great grandfather were all men and women who fought for our country, for me, for my parents, and everyone and everything they loved. They bled for us, their friends died for us. And so many forget that.
They fight for the freedom you use to call them 'baby-killers' (Okay, I'm using 'you' as a rhetorical device, before you off me). And believe me nothing riles me quite like hearing someone utter that the Vietnam Veterans are 'baby-killers'. Because people like my father had no choice. They were drafted and they fought for your right to be awful to them, because they believe in what our Constitution says. He lost some of his closest friends, and his friends lost their lives for your right to be disrespectful to those who fight for you.
I don't believe a president should be elected if he has no military experience. You can't be a military n00b and be the commander-in-chief of our Armed Forces. Because when push comes to shove, you more than likely won't have the balls to use that power.
You can say that I am Pro-Military and Pro-fighting if that's what you want to take from this. But what I'm saying is, we need our military if we want to remain a free country.
So, when I read an article like the one where the Church in Florida plans on burning the Quran, the way I see it... It is freedom of speech. It falls under the first amendment. For people who say that burning a Quran is unconstitutional I say, "What the hell are you smoking?" Jones is trying to send a message to the people who want us dead, not all Islams.
And the people (Islams) that want us dead - I would love to believe - are not in our country. So, burning their Qurans, isn't unconstitutional. You have to be part of the United States to have our Constitutional rights apply to you. That's the point. They are the rights of the United States' Citizens. Not illegal Aliens. Not the People from other Countries. It's the rights of the people who are here legally. And hey if more people want to come here legally, they can be protected under our Constitutional rights, too.
I'm not saying I'm for or against burning the Qurans. As a lover of literature, I don't believe in book burning, that's the beginning of censorship. I fear censorship more than almost anything. Once you have the power to censor others is precisely when freedom is coming to a crashing halt.
That being said. Why is it okay for Islams to burn our flags? Why is it okay for people to spit all over our Bible? Why should I care that they are finally getting their payback and being insulted? How many times have I seen people across the world burning our American Flag, our Bible? Where were people to be insulted and outraged with me? And say what you will, the Christian Bible is a huge part of our American Heritage. The Founding Fathers were all Christian, that's why they have "One Nation Under God" on our money. Because that's what they believed in, that's what they left for. The Bible is as American as anything else is, as American as our Constitution. I'm not saying our Founding Fathers were perfect, I'm not saying America is perfect. We're a young country, relatively speaking.
But when Islams yell "Death to America" for even talking about burning a Quran, talk about over-reaction. Shut up and deal.. You insult us, too. It's called payback. You aren't better than us. You aren't worth more. You're just like everyone else.
amen sister.