In an interesting and awkward way he was a huge part of my childhood - not unlike David Bowie. There were certain things from my childhood I had burned into my brain, without really remembering where they came from, just that my brother spouted them out too often. Years later I happened to pick up DVDs I remembered from my childhood vaguely (The Labyrinth and) The Pest, and found my childhood unravelled in movie form. "Have you tried parcheesey? It is a game of skill as well as chance." "Ah lucky charms they're magically delicious, make like a boat and sail away now!" Along with many other quotes that are interwoven with my childhood, thanks to my brother.

Still I rarely find other people with the adoration of John Leguizamo that I have and am continually baffled as to how people don't feel the same loving adoration for the man that I feel. I also have yet to come across another being that has seen The Pest that I haven't forced to watch it - though people who enjoy it must exist somewhere. Take my word for it - it's an awesome movie! Random, spastic, forcing you to question why you're still watching it, but all while you feel utter glee at the hilarity.
John Leguizamo was born July 22, 1964 in Bogota, Columbia. He's a Colombian-American actor, comedian, voice artist, and producer. Raised in Queens, voted most talkative in high school, and attended NYU.
He started out as a stand-up comedian working New York night clubs, and did a couple of minor roles in some films before being cast as a lead character in the amazing Super Mario Brothers - and if you tell me you don't like it I will dub you forever a liar.

So, less personal information on him than me just squeeing over his pure fantastic talent. He's a great voice actor - even in movies I hate he's in I can admit he did a bang-up job. Yeah, I'm opening admitting here I do not like the Ice Age movies.
That being said I have still been known to buy DVDs under the realization that John Leguizamo is in it and in my logic means it must be good to some extent. I bought Empire and I still have yet to watch it, just for the fact that he was in it and I noticed.
John Leguizamo likes Batman. I can now die happily.