Coffee: brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds (coffee beans) of the coffee plant. They're the seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Coffee is one of the most traded agricultural items and is one of the most popular beverages worldwide (no argument here).
It's thought to have been discovered in Yemen, Arabia and in the northeast region of Ethiopia, though the cultivation first expanded because of the Arabs. The earliest evidence of coffee drinking appears in the fifteenth century in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. It was later spread to Italy, the rest of Europe, Indonesia, and then Americas. In Africa and Yemen coffee was used in religious ceremonies.
It's been banned in Ottoman Turkey in the seventeenth centuries for political reasons, as it was associated with rebellious activities in Europe. You can find more information on production, cultivation, and general info at the link earlier in the post if you're that interested.
And now, a random compilation of people who drink coffee who have absolutely nothing in common other than pure awesome. Hurrah.
-Gibbs from NCIS, how many times has he pranced on screen sipping his coffee? Okay, so Gibbs would never prance, but you get the point.

-Sam Winchester of Supernatural has been known to drink it in the show, Phantom Traveller, anyone? He's the brains of the outfit, most of the time.
-Dr. Spencer Reid/ Matthew Gray Gubler.
Actually everyone on criminal minds periodically always appear to be drinking coffee which I am convinced could potentially be subliminal messaging. Enough hours of watching Criminal Minds and I'm all, "I know what sounds amazing, coffee!" Actually, for that matter, enough episodes of Gibbs drinking coffee does the same.
-Helen Morgandorfer, yep Daria's mom in the animated series freaks out at Quinn when she refuses to let her drink coffee for the mother-daughter fashion show.
-My lovely Viola not only drinks coffee, she works at a coffee shop. Can you say win? Clearly, that adds to her pure awesome-ness.
-My parents, who got me drinking coffee by highschool.
-Clara, who frequents the local shops in the college town with me. Which is where we end up talking about any and everything, from family, friends, to birth control and gyno visits. Oh yes, the poor coffee-house-dwellers when Clara and I are present.
I'm sure I could come up with a bigger compilation of awesome characters that drink coffee, but as it's only 9am I'm a bit out of it still. I'll try to add on later.
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