Thursday, March 25, 2010

+ Cleanin' +

I randomly read posts on Xanga and all the affiliated sites involved with Xanga (Datingish, Lovelyish, Momaroo, mancouch, etc.) there are such diverse people and opinions. Anyway I was reading AnonymousBlonde's blog and I came across this entry. It makes me laugh because I can definitely understand where she's coming from.

It occurs to me that she definitely has a lock on her blog, so I'll just post it. Because it's actually the same as me. Except for the last reason. I do not enjoy being naked, not even in a clean apartment. So, if you ignore reason # 1 (the last on the list) this is exactly how I feel about cleaning.

6 Reasons Why I Love Cleaning - By AnonymousBlonde

6. Blogging Material Roommates Shitty At Cleaning + Shit-Filled Apartment + Easily Agitated Me = Rants Out The Ass. I've also found some pretty interesting things cleaning up around here, ranging from garbage juice leaking out of ShopRite bags to petrified shrimp to years old ant traps to my roommate's toothbrush (and yes, she hadn't been brushing her teeth because she couldn't find her toothbrush and was too lazy to buy a new one).

5. Rearranging Things What's better than a) making things more convenient to find/reach/put away and b) fucking with everyone else's head by changing things around?

4. Promotes Zen Repetitive motions = soothing. Gives you time to think, time to sing, and time to take out aggression all while getting slightly high off heavy duty cleaning products.

3. Things Smell Better and Look Better Let's face it, rotting garbage isn't exactly the best scent in the world and scented sprays/candles will only do a decent cover-up job for so long...and when you have people coming in and out of your domain as often as people do in mine, things smelling good and looking good keep me from being totally embarrassed and ashamed of where and how I live.

2. Personal Sense of Accomplishment Once the cleaning product high wears off, I get high off how good I feel knowing not only that everything is clean, but that I did it.

1. Walking Around After the Job is the Nude Clean apartments turn me on. True Story. But more seriously, being naked is fun. Being naked in a clean apartment is even better...and leads to super awesome photo shoots!


  1. It's so very true. In fact I still wouldn't trust the furniture in this apartment, especially considering who they belong to. Gross! Who knows what you can contract from those things!

  2. yeah, because if you're naked in a dirty apartment you might walk away with herpes or some other disgusting disease!!
